2017-10-10 11:17:28 发表
*E°; Chilean escudo [Monetary Unit of Chile]; 智利埃斯库多
*EA; European agreements [EC]; 欧洲各协定
*EAAP;European Association for Animal Production; 欧洲畜产协会(畜产协会)
*EAC; East African Community; 东非共同体(东共体)
*EACM;East African Common Market; 东非共同市场
*EACT;European Advisory Council for Technology Trade [formerly: ECPIT]; 欧洲技术贸易咨询理事会
*EADB;East African Development Bank; 东非开发银行
*EAEC;East African Economic Community; 东非经济共同体
*EAEC;East Asian Economic Caucus; 东亚经济核心会议
*EAEC;European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM; Euratom) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne de l“Energie Atomique (CEEA); 欧洲原子能共同体;欧洲原子能联营
*EAEG;East Asian Economic Grouping; 东亚经济集团(正在酝酿)
*EAFORD; International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of;Racial Discrimination; 国际消除一切形式种族歧视组织(消除种族歧视组织)
*EAGGF; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund [EEC]; Fonds Europeen d“Orientation et Garantie Agricole (FEOGA); 欧洲农业指导和保证基金
*EAI; Enterprise for the Americas Initiative; 美洲事业计划
*E and S; Economic and Social Information [UNDP]; 经社资料
*EAN; International Article Numbering Association;[formerly: European Article Numbering Association]; 国家物品编码协会
*EANPC; European Association of National Productivity Centres; 欧洲国家生产力中心协会(生产力中心协会)
*EAP; enlarged access policy (ref: EAR) [IMF]; (使需要资金的国家更容易得到国际货币基金组织资源的政策)
*EAPPCED;East Asia and Pacific Parliamentarians“ Conference on Environment;and Development; 东亚及太平洋国会议员环境与发展会议
*EAR; enlarged access resources (ref: EAP) [IMF]
*EARO;East Asia Regional Office [UNICEF]; 东亚区域办事处
*EA; European agreements [EC]; 欧洲各协定
*EAAP;European Association for Animal Production; 欧洲畜产协会(畜产协会)
*EAC; East African Community; 东非共同体(东共体)
*EACM;East African Common Market; 东非共同市场
*EACT;European Advisory Council for Technology Trade [formerly: ECPIT]; 欧洲技术贸易咨询理事会
*EADB;East African Development Bank; 东非开发银行
*EAEC;East African Economic Community; 东非经济共同体
*EAEC;East Asian Economic Caucus; 东亚经济核心会议
*EAEC;European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM; Euratom) [EC]; Communaute Europeenne de l“Energie Atomique (CEEA); 欧洲原子能共同体;欧洲原子能联营
*EAEG;East Asian Economic Grouping; 东亚经济集团(正在酝酿)
*EAFORD; International Organization for the Elimination of All Forms of;Racial Discrimination; 国际消除一切形式种族歧视组织(消除种族歧视组织)
*EAGGF; European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund [EEC]; Fonds Europeen d“Orientation et Garantie Agricole (FEOGA); 欧洲农业指导和保证基金
*EAI; Enterprise for the Americas Initiative; 美洲事业计划
*E and S; Economic and Social Information [UNDP]; 经社资料
*EAN; International Article Numbering Association;[formerly: European Article Numbering Association]; 国家物品编码协会
*EANPC; European Association of National Productivity Centres; 欧洲国家生产力中心协会(生产力中心协会)
*EAP; enlarged access policy (ref: EAR) [IMF]; (使需要资金的国家更容易得到国际货币基金组织资源的政策)
*EAPPCED;East Asia and Pacific Parliamentarians“ Conference on Environment;and Development; 东亚及太平洋国会议员环境与发展会议
*EAR; enlarged access resources (ref: EAP) [IMF]
*EARO;East Asia Regional Office [UNICEF]; 东亚区域办事处
*EATJ; European Association for the Trade in Jute and Related Products; 欧洲黄麻和有关制品贸易协会
*EATJP; European Association for the Trade in Jute Products; 欧洲黄麻制品贸易协会
*EB; economic blocade; 经济封锁
*EBA; ECU Banking Association [EC]; 银行界埃居促进协会
*EBIC;European Business Information Centre [EC]; 欧洲商业信息中心
*EBPP; Electronic Bill Payment and Presentment; ; 电子票据出示和付款 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*EBRD;European Bank for Reconstruction and Development [EC]; 欧洲复兴开发银行
*EBU; European Broadcasting Union (EUROVISION); 欧洲广播联盟(广播联盟)
*EBUV; Unified Buddhist Churches of Vietnam; 越南统一佛教会
*EC; East Caribbean; EC dollars; 东加勒比元
*EC; European Commission [European Union]; 欧洲联盟委员会
*EC; European Community; Communaute Europeenne (CE); 欧洲共同体(欧共体);EC Commission; 欧洲共同体委员会;EC official;欧洲公务员;欧洲共同体公务员;EC 92 Programme; 欧洲共同体92年方案
*EATJP; European Association for the Trade in Jute Products; 欧洲黄麻制品贸易协会
*EB; economic blocade; 经济封锁
*EBA; ECU Banking Association [EC]; 银行界埃居促进协会
*EBIC;European Business Information Centre [EC]; 欧洲商业信息中心
*EBPP; Electronic Bill Payment and Presentment; ; 电子票据出示和付款 (UNCTAD/SDTE/ECB/2)
*EBRD;European Bank for Reconstruction and Development [EC]; 欧洲复兴开发银行
*EBU; European Broadcasting Union (EUROVISION); 欧洲广播联盟(广播联盟)
*EBUV; Unified Buddhist Churches of Vietnam; 越南统一佛教会
*EC; East Caribbean; EC dollars; 东加勒比元
*EC; European Commission [European Union]; 欧洲联盟委员会
*EC; European Community; Communaute Europeenne (CE); 欧洲共同体(欧共体);EC Commission; 欧洲共同体委员会;EC official;欧洲公务员;欧洲共同体公务员;EC 92 Programme; 欧洲共同体92年方案
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