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Why? 2014-11-21 12:49:02
How come Grandpa Xia cannot tell when Xiao is pretending to be Xia Xing vswhen he is being himself? Blind people are very sensitive to sound and smell,so there really is no wat Xiao can get by so easily for so long. This just does not make sense... 查看全文>>
饥渴的肖恩。。。 2014-11-21 07:46:55
夏忻才刚刚生完孩子,不管他的身体构造怎样,肖恩这“馋”解得有点时机不恰当。也难为他忍了这些日子,可是反正都忍了这么久了,难道就不能再多忍个几天吗?晕。。。 查看全文>>
国内外习俗不同 2014-11-21 07:43:55
看到宝宝刚生下来就可以喝水的这个说法有的讶异,可能这也是国内外习俗不同的原因吧,因为这里的小儿科都说六个月以内的宝宝不可以喝水,最主要是因为这里的水添加了一些矿物质及有消毒,所以宝宝的身体和肠胃无法消化。不过医生也说过宝宝只需要喝奶就足够解渴。 查看全文>>
俩痞子。。。 2014-11-21 01:42:12
顾副和肖队两人“又”痞上了?扶额摇头无力吐槽他俩小朋友了。。。可怜的小孙孙到底会“草”落谁家捏??? 若是是这俩痞子其中一枚的话就。。。哈哈哈哈哈哈!!! 查看全文>>
我要看顾医生!!! 2014-11-21 01:34:37
R宝,我要看顾医生!!! 虽然你的小剧场好过啥都没,可是你已经把咱们给吊在 limbo 非常非常滴久了,这样太恨了。。。555555。。。 查看全文>>
断骨之伤 2014-11-19 05:40:37
草草文中提到莫小媳妇儿从小被他亲亲爱人失手打断过几次腿、一次肋骨以及一次手腕,而且是以轻松的方式带过。其实就算断骨处愈合了,可是这都还是会留下后遗症的,特别是还在成长的孩子身上。鄙人在下是个母亲,因此希望所有的人都保重自己的身体,希望各位永远不要经历断骨之伤。若是不幸碰到这种情况也要好好配合医生,注意休养,千万不要碰到水,否则年纪大点(不是说老哦,而是二三十岁)就会有关节炎,预测天气的能力会比气象局还准。 查看全文>>
Hippocrates... 2014-11-17 11:54:48
Hipp“s parents must have been devout fans of the great Hippocrates to name their son after this father of medicine. Thank goodness Hipp was influenced by his parents and became a medical professional, or that name in any other field would have made him a laughing stock... 查看全文>>
Good reviews 2014-11-16 06:44:55
Although I avoid stories like this that are torturous -- yes, I admit I am a whimp, but I see a few of my fav writers giving this one good reviews. So, here I am, sucking in my gutts and diving in...crossing my fingers that IT will not end up drowning in my own tears... 查看全文>>
Very unfortunate timing 2014-11-16 06:28:25
The “web cleansing“ took place at a very bad time. Because of it, we did not get to see the more intimate details in this story as we did in its sister story. Even so, the feelings and relationship between these two were just as touching and beautiful to read. Thanks for creating another well-written novel, although you still did not update on a consistent nor reliable basis. 查看全文>>
I protest!!! 2014-11-15 05:14:04
It has been an entire 10 days, TEN days, since you last updated. This is against human rights and is causing pain and suffering!!! Come back! I strongly protest you skipping out on my pleasure like this!!! 【img22】【img22】【img22】...【img38】~ 查看全文>>
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