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What is going on? 2014-09-05 02:07:47 I have been having trouble posting since last night. What is going on with LC??? I sure hope this goes through... 查看全文>> | |
天下的“牢房”一样黑? 2014-09-04 03:53:44 看你讲的这段“XX里任何一个角落。。。这些穿制服的是服务员”让我想起前不久我有机会去观察我们这儿第二大的牢房,情形大致一样。穿制服的都被一些外来因素绑手绑脚而且变相成了服务员。当然,有时候是需要这些外来因素来确保有人假公济私公报私仇,但是绝大部分的时候是让肖远这些人无法真正执行他们的职责。。。这就是本末倒置啊。。。悲哀。。。 查看全文>> | |
I take it back... 2014-09-01 08:58:09 ???????????????????! Well? I take it back. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.????????????????liao?img38??img38??img38?~ 查看全文>> | |
Not a bad start 2014-09-01 08:15:59 Even though you say you just started college and does not have too many life experiences? but I think you started off fairly well. Your shorts? albeit very short? were surprisingly intriguing. Of course? all the BE were a bit sadistic? but each story was well-written and well-planned. Keep up the good job! 查看全文>> | |
哎呦我。。。哈哈哈! 2014-08-18 08:02:46 小言言,你竟然被陈蜀黍给反将了一军! 哈哈哈哈哈哈!!! 陈蜀黍不错呀,孺子可教也。这么快就举一反三,完全意会不说还运用得不错哦~ 不过我说,这个番茄鸡蛋面可真是横行中国无敌的基础食物,不管文里面的地区在哪里,几乎人人都会做这个。搞得我也想煮一碗来吃了! 查看全文>> |