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The heading of this chapter scared me when I saw the words “绑架“ before I read the content. I thought 郑眉 绑架了白芷 afterward (see how evil 郑眉 is in my mind). Like I said, 白芷 is a practical girl, no wonder she would think it is a joke when 孔达 wants to give his heart to her. Well, she can suspect anyone but 孔达 since they grow up together. She should know 孔达 very well. 孔达 would not be so cr 查看全文>>
This chapter is touching 2010-09-05 13:37:33
像白芷这样 practical 的人要放弃毕业证书是个多么难的决定, 否则她也不会选择当众认错. 虽然校领导答应只要她当众认错就不会开除她. 但在众怒难犯之下他们还是会牺牲她的. 所以白芷最后的选择是聪明的. 要当众对一个众人鄙视的女孩示爱需要多大的勇气 即使孔达知道白芷是清白的. 但当众人指鹿为马时, 要犯众怒是需要多么大的勇气. 所以孔达在这章的表现是值得尊敬的. 感觉孔达只是无关紧要的男配因他的份量不多 引用另一读者的话 ‘我挺期待当孔XX知道郑XX这样对女主的时候,对郑XX的举动. ’. 人比人气死人 - 我半小时只码50字. 诺诺别难过,因为码字速度永远不是成为好作家最重要的条件. 【img31】 查看全文>>
注意到风之冬樱换了新的封面. 很漂亮, 有唯美梦幻的感觉. 这章看得我又心痛了. 但白芷的更千万倍于我的 - 当她看到孔达和郑眉有说有笑却一眼也不看她. 可怜的白芷(这好像成为我最近的口头禅了). 查看全文>>
My comment for Summer 22 2010-09-03 12:48:30
I am thinking to post tonight but you already posted Summer 23. My comment for Summer 22: 这章看得心好痛.可怜的白芷. 诺诺你是后妈. 其实在真实世界, 她若是公开认错会有些后遗症.本来这只是当事人不承认的八卦 (世界上到处有八卦),但她公开认错就是承认她是 prositute.在中国, 第一, 以后她很难嫁人.第二, 毕业后很难有公司会雇用她即使她成绩很好. 查看全文>>
这章真是高潮叠起 2010-09-02 00:09:45
这章真是高潮叠起. 如果幕后操纵的人是郑眉,她的心机也太深太毒辣.我想郑眉应该已向孔达表白而孔达拒绝了她且告诉她他喜欢白芷. 她才会陷害白芷于万劫不复之境. 可怜的白芷. 【img32】 查看全文>>
This chapter is soooo funny! 2010-08-29 07:03:26
This chapter is soooo funny! I laughed so hard especially on the paragraph when White Paper got money from Stapler“s underwear. I do not see my comment posted on 8/28. 估计连叔又抽了 so I repost. 8/28 comment. White Paper“s situation is not good. Although she is smart to deal with the crisis that “eye glasses “ boy made for her. Her situation is really bad and complicate at this tim 查看全文>>
You know how to give nickname 2010-08-27 00:40:49
The nickname of “eye glasses“ boy is really appropriate. Wow! White Paper is so smart to get scholarship. It is not easy since she also works part time. I was upgraded to the 4th level but no better privilege as far as voting. 查看全文>>
I may not revenge (coward!) and may not break up with her (coward! Well, I have no evidence although I am positive it is her.). But she will never be my friend anymore and I will never give my heart to her. I will keep a distance with her until she disappears or I disappear and never see each other again. But that will be hard if she marries Mr. Kong. Anyway, that reaction is only ba 查看全文>>
Strong is relative, not absolute most of time. We may be strong with one bad encounter in the life but may not be strong anymore with worse situation. Everyone has their strong limit. Miss An is really strong, I admire her. White paper is strong too. No wonder there is a saying: No one can humiliate you except yourself. 查看全文>>
I knew it 2010-08-25 00:14:43
I was guessing the Soul of Bach is Miss Cheng before I read the end of this chapter. Who would know so many details except four of them? It would not be Mr. Kong, Stapler, and White Paper. The only one left is Miss Cheng. Miss Cheng“s heart is not as pretty as her face and her brain is not as smart as White Paper“s. I am wondering how White Paper will treat Miss Cheng in the future 查看全文>>
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