返回 爱你,只是骗局……
Thanks for the response
2010-08-21 23:43:17 发表
I am glad that you found my comment although I still could not
see them (after 8/15) even I searched elegance99 (may be I did
not search in the correct way). As long as you could see them, that is 3/4 fine with me. I did give up the thought of writing
comment since yesterday after tried several days.
I could not see other readers’ comment after 8/15 too.
I followed your instruction and upgraded myself to 3rd grade and will ask for red envelop every day. Thanks.
This site is very user unfriendly. A lot of function is not
self explanatory. Also this site seems remembered I vote once
per day already and would not allow me to vote for your other
novel even I sign in with other use name (elgance999). The
solution is to run CCleaner utility to delete cookies. Next
time I will try to not allow cookie to see whether I can vote.
It will be great that they can change the rule to allow readers
to vote more than one novel per day.
This story is like detective story recently and force the
readers to use their brain. XDD
see them (after 8/15) even I searched elegance99 (may be I did
not search in the correct way). As long as you could see them, that is 3/4 fine with me. I did give up the thought of writing
comment since yesterday after tried several days.
I could not see other readers’ comment after 8/15 too.
I followed your instruction and upgraded myself to 3rd grade and will ask for red envelop every day. Thanks.
This site is very user unfriendly. A lot of function is not
self explanatory. Also this site seems remembered I vote once
per day already and would not allow me to vote for your other
novel even I sign in with other use name (elgance999). The
solution is to run CCleaner utility to delete cookies. Next
time I will try to not allow cookie to see whether I can vote.
It will be great that they can change the rule to allow readers
to vote more than one novel per day.
This story is like detective story recently and force the
readers to use their brain. XDD