返回 鏈夊杩滐紝璧板杩 ……
2014-07-14 21:40:34 发表
0 0what 锛 RR ask me to write something that can be understood銆伞 伞 俆hat really be LC钬檚 wrong锛丯ot my input method锛佲暛(钰痎钰 钰 enn...what I intended to say... I钬榣l take the house proprietary certificate away if you don钬檛 need it =w=I have try my best to translate 銆伞 伞 QAQ
不能愉快地说话了 快给我个桌子掀
本来想用拼音的 我不想暴露我分不清平翘舌前后鼻音= =