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[精华]Ha! Ha! Too much “dog blood“. 2010-08-16 23:35:55
elegance999 点评 风之冬樱 评分为10分
Ha! Ha! Too much “dog blood“. White Paper becomes Black Paper now.
不错 2010-08-16 18:47:47
小白额 点评 风之冬樱 评分为5分
你好!你的文写的很好呢!我看到了你的作品感觉不错,我很喜欢!不过如果有个 更好的地方也许更有利于你的发展!我是别站的网编,我很欣赏你的文笔!我们 这里将提供给你成长的舞台!签/约+推/荐+上/架+低/保+奖/金+稿/酬,如果可以 的话请和我联系!o(∩_∩)o~,,加我扣扣和我详谈 一五二二一一八三一八
yaya 2010-08-15 13:33:53
江早樱 点评 风之冬樱 评分为10分
guan xi bu yi ban le jia you tian wan wo yao kan wan jie de
[精华]This chapter is so ..... 2010-08-15 01:48:44
elegance999 点评 风之冬樱 评分为5分
This chapter is so “dog blood“. Worst luck and nightmare for White Paper and Stapler. What a mess!
[精华]~~ 2010-08-10 14:44:08
红颜祸水小思 点评 风之冬樱 评分为10分
作者回复:人流汗大叔说了——这羊毛出在羊身上,俺要是把大堂给装修了,那房费就得涨,最后吃亏滴还是各位上帝不是?俺们玄武大饭店就是擅长潜伏~~~ 汗,刚差点剧透。。。。。。删掉重写。
我就想说,那个酒店还真是表里不一啊 那床豪华的像五星级 那柜台烂的,像拍武侠剧过后弃之不理的道具~~ 莫非是想让顾客体会下,啥叫别有洞天?
[精华]I agree what you said 2010-08-04 23:22:49
elegance999 点评 风之冬樱 评分为5分
I agree what you said “执子之手、与子偕老”其实是件要求天时地利人和缺一不可的事情. We only have one life and we can not control our lives a lot of time. That is probably a lot of people like to write novels. Because the authors of the novel can control the destiny of the people in their novel which gives them the sense of achievement and satisfaction. You are such a considerate person - thinking of 加快速度把两个坑全部完结掉 bef
[精华]One thought 2010-08-04 04:23:58
elegance999 点评 风之冬樱 评分为5分
作者回复:OK,现在我们有了挺孔派成员Elegance。 嘿嘿,别拍我——坦白说,俺的文案只是勾搭读者跳进来的噱头,后来的剧情到底如何,大家看了就知道~~~~ 【路人甲:奈总是这句话!】 【某诺: @_@ 】 孔达的确不是一个浅薄的人【我笔下
In the introductory of this story. It says: Happiness = White Paper + Staplers Well, may be Happiness = White Paper + Piano Prince If Mr. Kong grew up with White Paper, he must know her personality very well. If he loves her (?) and ignore the beauty of her “best friend“, this boy is not a shallow person. Unless White Paper does not love him and only consider him as a brother. H
[精华]~~~~ 2010-08-03 13:45:02
红颜祸水小思 点评 风之冬樱 评分为10分
作者回复:奈灰常有见地!!!很有可能!!! P.S.会长是女仆大人?虾米东东?不用提示!俺自己百度去~
这个 这个 为毛这段让我想起那个会长是女仆大人的动漫来袅呢 而且 为毛我会感觉那个男主该不会是这家店的老板娘的儿子吧?
[精华]I do not like “White Paper““s be 2010-08-01 15:43:16
elegance999 点评 风之冬樱 评分为5分
作者回复:Elegance,你是真相帝。 有目的的“友情”可不可以接受呢?这是个问题。
I do not like “White Paper““s best girl friend. I think she just uses “White Paper“to approach her childhood boy friend when she made friend with “White Paper“. She is such a good actress.
chou da 2010-07-26 16:03:16
江早樱 点评 风之冬樱 评分为10分