When did Rose turn into shredded meat? Poor thing...hahahahahahahaha!
Attorney Su I was wrong. BiaoZhi is not number one...YOU are. You are the number of all number ones. You win. T.K.O. All hands down. No questions asked.
Poor BiaoZhi your secret cache of cash got you in a deep poop hole...you should have come all clean when given the chance...
If everyone had family like this no one needs enemies. What a puddle of mud. Fken a-hole SoB.
The three strands of hair on a stick person is such an universal favorite! Hahahahahahaha! | | | | | | | | | ( O 0 ) ( O 0 ) ( O 0 ) U U U
This has the best chance of getting made into a TV series or movie. I sure hope this happens!
Big 88, U R dead meat when Little 88 finds out where you took Da Tao......so dead......may you rest in peace......amen......
Da Tao you sure are the son of your Big 88! Very very colorful...hahahahahahaha! Soooooooooooo cute!~(@^_^@)~ ~(@^_^@)~ ~(@^_^@)~ ~(@^_^@)~ ~(@^_^@)~ ~(@^_^@)~
Let me see if this will go through in Chinese... ǹ ! СС !
Poor BiaoZhi baby. No worries. Even if your ma and pa do not love you, your honey and his parents and your buddies love you.