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大大~~ 2017-08-25 10:54:43
我要哭了,我把铜板花光,现在不能用神州行的卡充值,网址不能连结,我要看大大的文,我在找方法连结上去神州行的网址,或找朋友代付支付宝,所以我卡文了囧,大大,你要等我订阅,我都听你的话,都用电脑订阅,再在手机看的~ 查看全文>>
安安~尹大大 2017-04-10 10:53:08
很久没来连城了,相隔很久前来,发现尹大大多了一本完结的小说没看,现在这裡也有连载中的文文,尹大大的文一如既往的好看,把所有的票票也给尹大大了,希主尹大大继续创作,让我们这些爱大大的文的人,可以一直看下去~ 查看全文>>
恭喜小尹 2015-02-17 10:28:26
恭喜小尹又一部好看的文文完结,小尹出品,必属佳品,小尹会再写下一篇文文吗?写的话我一定看的,不过新年了,先休息,过一个开心、美好的新年再写文(我期待小尹的下一篇文文) 查看全文>>
れれ! 2013-06-06 19:50:39
れれ瞦瞦и琌街(瞦い⊿Τ贱碞琌)ㄤ龟иぃ笵さΩ痉ēи穦ぃ穦睹絏и玡碞睹絏常⊿Τ痉ēи! ノ虏砰痉ē睹絏摆и礚ー摆れれゅи场だ常稰谋碞れれ–Ω穝и常秨みぃ筁れれ–Ω常程ま竚痷癚腨T^Tれれ琌胊摆杠弧硂Ω蛤ю常Τ稲Τㄇぶ绲ΘΘ痷琌и缔翴摆и称れれе翴VIP硂妓碞ら6~糑糑()痷み辨ぃ璶睹絏!!!!!(и倒各硈!!) 查看全文>>
is mine!!! 2013-04-08 15:49:03
is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~ 查看全文>>
is mine!!! 2013-04-08 15:46:12
is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~ 查看全文>>
is mine!!! 2013-04-08 15:45:58
is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!is mine!!!Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~Love you!~ 查看全文>>
Fighting~ 2013-03-13 12:22:54
I think this novel is quite good and interesting? But the chapter is not enough for read? i would wait for the chapter is over 30? write more and more? haha? i like this type novel? i had keep the novel in my bookshelf? Fighting~ Fighting~Fighting~ Fighting~Fighting~ Fighting~ 查看全文>>
I love your novel 2013-02-02 11:32:01
I love your novelWould you wirte 9000 per dayIf you write 9000 per day in often I think me and all the reader will become very happyBecause there were many people like to read your novel Hope you can write more and Happy New Years And congratulation for your novel was become vip novel 查看全文>>
congratulation 2012-12-01 20:03:27
Congratulation on your weddingHope you have the happy and happiness life with your husbandThis is a very happiness eventI will wait for you of your novelHappy very day Sing you a songCongratulation °Congratulation° Congratulation for you 查看全文>>
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