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我猜你在第一天就爱上了这个女子,否则你不会傻到这个境界的~~~ He wasn“t eloquent around women - never had been - but usually he could stammer out something better than, “Good day, Ma“am. I brought you cows, among other things.“ Yes, she was pleasant to look at; he wasn“t blind. Yes, he was lonely and they had briefly shared as much romance and intimacy as an old slave“s bed, moonlight, and a place
摘一段,来感慨一下~~ 2010-12-16 16:33:39
摘一段,来感慨一下~~ Skinner is still a problem. She says he is too big, to fast. She finally lets him in the door if I hold her hand, but no further. I move a chair into the foyer that we refer to as “the Skinner chair.“ I don“t know who is running the FBI, but Skinner always seems to be either in his chair or on the phone with her. Kim brings paperwork and take-out meals for everyone. I s
【引用】Life Slipped By 2010-11-19 10:26:49
Dear Dana, All my life I have had everything I should have wanted, and yet, deep inside myself, I have always yearned for more. My father raised me to be the next Julius Caesar, and until he died, he believed I“d come to my senses eventually and follow the destiny he“d envisioned. He“d roll his eyes and call me a romantic and an idealist, but he never turned his back on
关于Prufrock’s Love 和她的作品-算是一点文学研讨 几天前,在Haven上面看到有关Prufrock’s Love的著名作品Paracelsus(也是中文网上有名的翻译连载《顽疾》)的讨论。其中有谈到关于作者AU三部曲Hiraeth, Paracelsus, A Moment in the Sun的一个说法,颇有一些红学考证的味道。勾起了我讨论一下Pru和她作品的兴趣。 这三篇其实不用论证,确实就是三部曲,在时间上是契合的。Hiraeth发生在中世纪的英国, Paracelsus是南北战争后的美国, A Moment in the Sun是二战后的美国,都是生逢乱世的轮回。 但有fanfic爱好者读得非常仔细,找到一个暗含着的情节线索来证明: Hiraeth的结尾是Duana (Scully) 怀孕了, William (Mulder)去参战。 Parace
我知道这不是你想要的,同样也不是我想要的,但有些事就是发生了,我想回头也要能回的了,何况我根本就不想回头---- 我早就厌倦了现在按部就班的生活,为了很多原因和很多不喜欢的人打交道-- 为了很多人的期望,认识一些自己都不想认识的人---- 一个人如果被Stuck太久了,是谁都无法让他觉得舒服~~~无论任何物质都无法让他满足-- 相信我,我试过--最后发现即使满足了,也是很短暂的一天,甚至一个小时-- 怪--就怪怪自己--没事想那么多干嘛~~~ 虽然很多人都说,我的今生情缘是华丽丽的美剧穿越到大明朝~~哈哈哈哈~~ 我是多么希望可以穿越到另外一个时空--- 身体没有办法去游荡,就让我的灵魂随着文字去游荡吧~ 送段话~~ I did love you, I still love you, but my love won“t last
童鞋们, 今天想更文滴,但素进不去,一点更文就出现下面的错误~~~Sorry~~~ 开发冷员速度帮偶解决一下好不? ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL: http://my.lcread.com/college/BookAdminList.do Unable to forward this request at this time. This request could not be forwarded to the origin server or to any parent caches. The most likely cause for this
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