
[精华]Question 2010-08-12 22:37:29
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
作者回复:就是投俺推荐票,嘻嘻,奈已经投给俺啦,俺知道,多谢多谢。 连叔的网站还在升级中,估计连叔会听取咱们的意见,把网站改善改善滴。前天连叔抽了,别的作者更新的章节也都米显示。。。 哎~~~小安童鞋~~~~我也叹口气。。。 坚决不剧透,闪!
What do you mean “recommend“ and how? This Web site is difficult to manage. It even has no spelling check and wraps the word continuously. I see! I thought you did not post yesterday because you were busy. You are a diligent writer so you can write so much every day. You must be very enthusiastic about writing. Miss An is so smart and kind (she helped that little boy since Mr. Wong sh
[精华]爱你永不变心 2010-08-12 10:34:52
艾鼬 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
[精华]Thanks 2010-08-10 22:35:15
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
作者回复:That makes sense. Will do in future when it is possible. Many thanks for your kind tip! O(∩_∩)O Will start to write the th
Thanks for your generosity. You have the talent of writing so you can write different style stories. If writing novel is only your hobby, my suggestion is to start to write a new novel close to the end of the old novel. Promote and post the new one a couple weeks before the old novel finishes. So your readers will not lose track of you and you will not be burned out.
[精华]~~~ 2010-08-10 14:20:51
越看到最后,我越是庆幸 庆幸自己一路跟文过来 当初,看这个文,只是出于支持朋友创作的目的 现在却是切切实实的喜欢上了这个文 安诺恩扑朔迷离的身世 以及他和蔚冲之间的爱恨纠结 曾希贤对小安童鞋的痴恋 江睡莲对钟扬疯狂的爱 唯美的角色,复杂的人设关系 丝丝入扣的剧情 跌宕起伏的悬念 一直牵引着我看下去 越看到最后,越是感激 感激诺诺,能写出如此好文 感激自己,从不曾放弃,才能感受这篇文带个自己诸多的感动与希翼! 愿如此好文,能够得到更多人的喜欢! 也希望,诺诺能在创作的路上越来越好 小思上~~
[精华]I understand totally 2010-08-09 23:11:41
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
作者回复:放心,Elegance,只要你说一声奈想看俺文的结局,俺绝对有办法让你看到。某诺别的没有,就是馊主意多,嘻嘻。 没错,没错,现在开始绝对是各种谜题解答阶段,我在拼老命写ing。要是前面有哪个小伏笔被俺给漏掉了,提醒俺一下please。 另外,俺
(Post again since I am not sure I posted successfully.) “文章V与不V,并不是作者自己可以决定的“, I see. I understand totally. You do whatever you should do (i.e. VIP) about your novel . Life is not perfect,compromise is part of our life. I am sure I can still enjoy your other novel when one novel VIP. I do appreciate you let us read the end of your first novel free. Wow! One mystery of this novel h
[精华]Mr. Wong 2010-08-09 00:24:45
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
I read he and Miss Jung“s story before in your previous chapters. Their relationship impressed me a lot although you did not write too many details. May be two of them are not the main characters of this novel. His love is very controlling & scaring, 很偏激,也很极端. Miss Jung is a tragedy character but she may take most of the responsibility because of her personality. I appreciate your nove
Thanks for your tip 2010-08-03 23:13:31
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
作者回复:my pleasure O(∩_∩)O
Thanks for your tip of enlarging the font. It worked great.
[精华]This story seems a mystery novel 2010-08-03 00:17:37
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
作者回复:首先,有个方法可以改变页面显示字体大小,摁住“ctrl”键的同时,前后滑动鼠标上的滑轮(向前变大)。如果成功袅,奈就不用再切换浏览器了。 其次,关于本文中的某些小悬念——天裂卷属于揭秘卷,所以前面的一些小伏笔都会有所交代,放心吧。 最后,为毛现
I usually vote your novels and post comment from Internet Explorer and read your novels from Firefox (bigger font). Today I posted some comment from Firefox but could not tell whether it was successful or not so I posted the comment again from Internet Explorer. This story seems a mystery novel. There are a lot of puzzles throughout the story. I do not read mystery novel so I do not know
[精华]Never feel enough 2010-07-25 01:06:33
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为5分
作者回复:嘿嘿,这也是跳坑的乐趣哈——每天都在猜后来到底怎么了?看多少字都觉得更新太少!我也是坑里的人啊,深有这种体会。我去年跟过的一个文是周更,每周日才更新三千字,有时候赶上大大有事,连这一更也没了,给我急的——就自己写文了~~~~ Orz
I found some readers complained each chapter of the story is too long before. I feel the opposite way. I never feel enough when I read recently. I always feel too short every day and have to wait for what will be happening tomorrow.
[精华]我踏过夜色,只为寻你而来 2010-07-23 17:14:46
江早樱 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
为了你,一个人踏过夜色,只为寻你而来 嘻嘻嘻(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……原谅我还米认真读完此书,但是我会找机会读完,为了你,我重启多年米读现言的大脑,米办法,我古言看多了,一时间转换不过来,说说我看过的几章文,总共12章,第一章,我以为南珠失忆,可是米有,我看文不仔细的原由,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……可以抽打我,第二章,为毛她说的是英文,你打的是中文,难道你知道我看不到英文??????????(英语,我想说,我看不懂,)看到第三章,为毛血的味道是铁锈,为毛,给俺个理由,难道是我太笨了??????????(事实证明,我是太笨了,哈哈哈)重新看了4章,女主脸皮比较厚,啦啦啦 。第5章,爱人太辛苦,爱人也幸福,记忆从未褪色。第6章,我还是不喜晴姑娘,米谦虚的品德,啦啦啦。第7章命运从来不由人,它喜欢捉弄人。第八章,安诺恩刚要拒绝,就听见远处传来一个人热切的叫声:“诺诺!” 这声