
[精华]Repost 2010-08-29 11:41:10
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
I do not see my comment posted on 8/28. 估计连叔又抽了. So I repost. This chapter is touching – you know what I mean. Wow! After I became 4th level, I can vote your novel 4 times per day with one user name.
[精华]Wa! Almost 6000 words per day. 2010-08-26 23:32:12
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
作者回复:我也很佩服自己滴,尽管呕血三升,到底是完成任务了。 安菲娅小童鞋,貌似没人喜欢她,悲催的娃。她的身份略神秘,再有四千字左右会开始揭秘。 言情、悬疑、谍战,一个也不能少啊。。。感慨下。
Wa! Almost 6000 words per day. Miss An“s adopted mother is really cruel. I am wondering what is her real status other than the owner of orphanage. Love story --〉 Mystery story --〉 Spy story --〉 ??
[精华]Strong is relative, not absolute 2010-08-25 22:08:24
elegance999 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
Strong is relative, not absolute most of time. We may be strong with one bad encounter in the life but may not be strong anymore with worse situation. Everyone has their strong limit. Miss An is really strong, I admire her. White paper is strong too. No wonder there is a saying: No one can humiliate you except yourself.
[精华]Another interesting development 2010-08-24 22:41:10
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
Another interesting development. My poor heart! I could not see (again! sigh!)my 8/23 comment on your other novel. So frustrate.
[精华]Interesting development 2010-08-23 22:37:54
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
Interesting development! You must like detective or mystery novels.
[精华]One more thing I found today 2010-08-23 02:07:27
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
作者回复:太好了,恢复正常就好了。嘻嘻,奈的留言就是俺的动力 O(∩_∩)O 俺每天更文结束就会看留言滴,都成了俺滴日程了。
One more thing I found today. I can vote twice to the same novel with one username now after I was upgraded to the 3rd level. Each vote is 5 points. While I make 评论, click 10th star on the right of 标题 of 评论 will get 10 points. Compares to the time you spent to write your novel, my time to vote is nothing. Besides, I like your other novel very much too. I could see my comment and yo
[精华]I found several things 2010-08-22 00:16:55
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
作者回复:对这个系统,俺自己也不熟。 奈可以摁“全票推荐”那个钮,这样就不用一下一下点了。投俺《爱你》这个文就好,《冬樱》那里就不用再投了,那个文咋说咧,嘿嘿,以后有机会私聊。
I got my red envelop. Thanks. I can click 10 stars on the right of the 标题 to get 10 points. Once I was upgraded to 3rd grade I can vote twice per day.
[精华]Thanks for the response 2010-08-21 23:43:17
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为1分
作者回复:汗水~~~太累了!不用了,Elegance,奈在坑里支持俺,俺已经很幸福了,不用那么麻烦调整了。抱住,奈真是太可爱了。 别的亲也跟俺说了,说俺写得不是言情文,是悬疑文。大汗!不过,俺相信,凡是跟文跟到第四卷结束的亲在理解剧情方面应该都不会有任何问题。
I am glad that you found my comment although I still could not see them (after 8/15) even I searched elegance99 (may be I did not search in the correct way). As long as you could see them, that is 3/4 fine with me. I did give up the thought of writing comment since yesterday after tried several days. I could not see other readers’ comment after 8/15 too. I followed your instruction an
[精华]Miss An is such a intelligent an 2010-08-15 23:13:29
elegance99 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
作者回复:抱住Elegance,奈的话深得我心。能够“出淤泥而不染”的,毕竟只是少数人。 很多人都有过坎坷的经历,俺是很希望大家看了此文后可以感受到鼓舞和希望。嘻嘻,这话说大了,但是俺会尽力向那个方向努力滴。握拳~~
Miss An is such a kind and intelligent girl. She is an orpgan and her life is so unsmooth. But she still has kind heart and correct perseption about what is right and wrong. There are too many people in the world like the little boy who thinks wrong is right. Sigh!
[精华]呵呵,亲亲 2010-08-15 23:01:18
沼泽鸢尾 点评 爱你,只是骗局 评分为10分
不知不觉,亲这文已经30多万字了~~~~~~~~ 拥抱下下~~~~~~~~~~~