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Off track... 2014-10-20 07:04:17 【img11】【img11】【img11】Can I just say that this story is getting more and more off track as it progresses... Not that it“s bad or anything, but this feels like more than one story now. The author could have developed some of the characters into their own stories to do them justice. Now, this just feels like a big mish-mesh...too bad... 查看全文>> | |
Fun exercise! 2014-10-19 23:25:32 原来肖队知道“逮耗子”的意思,哈哈! 我还以为他没做这方面的联想呢。哎呀,肖队,人顾副都这样了,你就算大脑还没反应过来可是身体应该还保留了记忆才对啊。专家都说muscle memory一旦建立了就不是那么容易就会忘记滴,所以您啥都别想,就直接遵从您身体的意愿就好了。。。嘿嘿嘿~ 查看全文>> | |
I just have to ask 2014-10-19 13:50:48 Don“t the girls have parents? How come no one notified them after something like this happened? Did the author forget? This just doesn“t make sense... 查看全文>> | |
该不会。。。 2014-10-18 23:41:58 肖队该不会忘记自己是爱男人的吧?嗯,正确来说应该是爱顾副而不是其他男性同胞。。。掩嘴偷笑。。。 话说,我最近才看完“Amnesia: The James Brighton Story”这部电影。男主因为被创而得了失忆症,在拼凑自己的过去时只记得自己是gay。虽然肖队只是忘了部分的过去,而且有顾副的“协助”我想他拼凑自己回忆的这段应该会蛮搞笑的,但是若是人真的忘记了自己是谁又完全不认识自己的家人,那真的是一件足以毁灭一个人的事。有些人可能在找寻“自己”的时候患精神分裂症。比较幸运的那些可能就干脆重新开始一个人生,换个方法过日子。但是即便如此,我相信他们还是无法对失去的“自己”释怀。。。 查看全文>> | |
Amnesia??? 2014-10-18 03:33:51 【img8】【img8】【img8】Amnesia? Oh, brother. OK. So this picks up where 肖队 got sent off to the secret training, right? 只不过你把那段改成出任务而不是在特训营裡面等顾副的那句:你他妈已经在裡面了! 是吧?你要是不玩他俩就不舒服。。。晕。。。真是恶趣味啊你! 哈哈哈哈哈哈! 查看全文>> | |
Where is Hua Yan? 2014-10-17 08:26:24 Has he given up? Where is he? Why is he allowing OuYang to take over his home and his love? I feel so sad for Hua Yan...even though I guess he knew from the beginning that this would lead to nowhere between he and Yue...sigh... 查看全文>> | |
Did you change the bookcover? 2014-10-17 01:12:13 I remember the bookcover as something else锛 like a road leading to somewhere off the edge of the book. This one is funny锛 though. I like it锛 especially what it is insinuating. Hahahahahaha! 查看全文>> |